21 April 2014

Happy Easter !

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Monday. Because school starts tomorrow, I had to take the Sunday evening overnight train to Prague. For the past few days, all I did was sleep and eat and even though I was stuffed and well/slept, I was lazy and all my mind was occupied with was food and sleep. (I think it might be time for some spring detox : )  )

Even though it is way too late to make Easter eggs on Easter Monday, I tried to make some with special egg-paint I brought from my parents' home. I used blown brown eggs (white are quite hard to get), wax from a burning candle and red paint dissolved in hot water with vinegar. The point is to put wax on the areas which you do not want to get dyed and then submerge the whole egg with wax into the solution of water, dye and vinegar. It has to be cold, because the wax would melt away in warm liquid. I think the result is quite impressive, these are definitely the most beautiful eggs I have ever made : ) 

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